Get That Beautiful Smile Using Dental Implants in North Mississippi

by | Jan 6, 2016 | Dentistry

For many people, the chance for perfect teeth has long come and gone. In fact, a surprising number of adults have had at least one cavity and the subsequent filling or crown that follows. Unfortunately, filling a tooth doesn’t always fix the problem and some cavities are simply too difficult to repair properly. This usually means the tooth must be removed, but this leaves a gap that can cause a whole different set of problems. The best solution for this situation may be Dental Implants in North Mississippi.

To understand this option, it is necessary to know exactly what an implant is and how it functions as a tooth replacement. In simple terms, the implant is an artificial root designed to anchor a crown. This fills in the gap between the teeth and makes it possible to bite or chew again. However, before the dentist can begin the process for Dental Implants in North Mississippi, they must check the strength and density of the jawbone. A weak jaw or thin bone mass could require additional work while bone grafts are being placed. These are thin layers of bone that slowly heal over the jaw to give it additional strength.

The typical implant surgery should not take too long, although, the actual healing of the wound can take several months. This will depend on several factors like health, diet and so forth. At the end of the healing cycle, the dentist will create a custom crown to place on the implanted stud. The typical crown is made from porcelain or porcelain on steel. Porcelain is generally chosen for both its incredible strength and its beautiful, pearly white color. The former comes in handy considering how much pressure can be exerted when chewing while the latter is useful for creating a beautiful smile.

Another use for implants is as an anchor for other dental prostheses such as bridges and dentures. In the case of bridge work, the implant can reduce or eliminate any damage to surrounding teeth since they won’t be needed for support. Denture wearers will enjoy the extra freedom from those nasty tasting adhesives or the disadvantages of loose dentures. Contact Bruce A. Denney for more information.

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