Health Benefits of Pet-Friendly Apartments in San Marcos, TX, for Students

by | May 19, 2020 | Apartment Building

Scientific studies have confirmed that pet ownership is connected with positive health effects. For that reason, people of any age who would like to have a companion animal are encouraged to do so. Pet-friendly apartments in San Marcos, TX, are available for college students. This allows young adults to experience the love, fun and health advantages associated with sharing a home with a pet.

Mental Health

A research from Ohio State University found several mental health benefits for college students who own a dog or a cat. These men and women report feeling less stressed when an exam is coming up or when they have a large amount of homework. Lower rates of depression were reported among these students, and they also were less likely to feel lonely. Thus, pet-friendly apartments in San Marcos, TX, are an attractive option for students who would like to live with a cat or a dog.

Physical Health

In regard to physical health, research has verified that pet ownership can reduce blood pressure. That can be important during times of stress. Ongoing stress sometimes causes increases in blood pressure, especially in the systolic number, which is the top number. People who own dogs generally tend to get more exercise because they are motivated to walk the animal at least once a day. This isn’t true of everyone, of course, but a college student could make a point of setting a specific time to walk this canine friend each day. Pet-friendly rentals are available at

Redpoint San Marcos.

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