Helpful Information About Earwigs Extermination Services

by | Jun 30, 2017 | Pest Control Service

Earwigs got their name because it was once believed they crawled into human ears and laid their eggs in the brain of their victim. Although this has long since been found to be false, the myth is still perpetuated throughout the world. Though these pests do not cause such serious damage as once thought, they do have painful pinchers that can cause irritation and a painful sting. This is why homeowners need to make sure they get rid of these pests with earwigs extermination services.

Most of the time, earwigs do not intend to enter a home. They prefer moist soil and outdoor locations but will sometimes enter a dwelling to get away from inclement weather. They can also accidentally be brought in. It is rare for a homeowner to experience a full infestation of these pests, at least on the inside of their home. Earwigs are not social creatures and do not live in colonies or nests.

The vast majority of earwig problems occur on the outside of a home. When a home has moist soil or mulch beds around the base of the home, this can attract earwigs. Brushing the moist vegetation aside will allow a homeowner to determine if these bugs are a problem. If they are present, they will immediately be seen scurrying away to seek cover.

Although earwigs do not pose any major threat to humans or animals, they can cause damage to a homeowner’s garden and plant life. They seem to enjoy feeding off of plants, especially tender seedlings. When a homeowner has just planted their garden, it can easily be destroyed when great numbers of earwigs are present. This is one of the biggest reasons homeowners seek Earwigs Extermination Services.

If your home has an earwig problem, it is important to seek the services of a professional pest control specialist who knows how to remove them. Removing these pests will help to stop the threat of garden damage and will prevent painful pinches. Call Bowman Termite & Pest Management LLC and ask them to schedule your appointment right away. They will be happy to make your pest problem go away. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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