Mature trees look beautiful. However, they can be quite dangerous if they are near a home. A large tree with branches that loom over a house could be quite a problem during a high-wind storm or snow storm. The heavy branches could easily break off and go through the roof. That’s why many residents call a tree removal services company in North Little Rock AR to go out and take down the tree. This type of work can be quite demanding and dangerous. Before a homeowner allows any contractor on their property to perform this type of work, they have to make sure that they have the proper training and insurance. That includes worker’s compensation insurance for anyone helping them on the project. If this isn’t the case, the homeowner’s insurance policy may take a hit if someone is injured on the job.
Most homeowners will ask several tree removal companies for an estimate. It’s important that they are very clear about what they want the estimate to include. Some tree removal services north little rock ar companies will take down a tree and cut the stump flush with the ground. Other companies will take down the tree and remove the stump and grind it. However, they’ll leave an unsightly landscape hole in the yard. Other tree removal companies will take the tree wood away, others just leave it in the yard. It’s a good idea to have the tree removal company itemize each task. Some charge just as much for taking the wood away as they do for cutting down the tree.
If cost is a factor in the homeowner’s decision, they might decide that they’ll deal with the leftover wood themselves. If the wood can be used in a fireplace, then they might just want to use it themselves. If they don’t have use for firewood, they can still cut it up into logs and try to sell it. Some homeowners have been successful at putting ads on CraigsList. The firewood is free, but the person has to take it away. The homeowner might not get paid for the firewood, but they didn’t have to pay to have the tree removal company take it away either.