When you buy a pre-owned vehicle, you expect it to run and not need expensive repairs right away. However, some sellers are not entirely scrupulous. The one that you bought your car from may have deceived you about the car’s condition and safety.
When it becomes clear that you purchased a vehicle that is not worth what you paid for it, you have rights as a jilted consumer. You can get your money back and hold the seller accountable by hiring a Lemon Law attorney to represent you.
Getting Your Money Back
When you hire one of these lawyers to represent you, you can set in motion the process to get back your money. If you were to try to recoup the money on your own, you could be met with resistance. The seller may even refuse to speak to you and try to accuse you of harassment.
Instead of trying to get your money back on your own, you can hire a lawyer to contact the seller on your behalf. He or she can file a lawsuit if needed to win back your money and have the transaction reversed.
Your lawyer can also hold the seller accountable by filing a complaint with the state’s attorney general’s office. The seller may have his or her business closed or face criminal charges.
Find out more about a Lemon Law attorney in Chicago, IL, online. Contact us