Every year thousands of Americans are arrested, yet the majority are released in a short time. They are freed when they either pay the amount of bail set by courts or call a Bail Bond Agent. Since the average bail is $50,000, most people rely on professional agents to provide bonds, which are much less expensive. Bonds are written guarantees to the courts that prisoners will meet their obligations. They allow defendants to go free until their court dates without having to sell their valuables. Agents respect their clients’ privacy and dignity. They also walk clients through court and jail proceedings.
Agents Explain Legal System Procedures to Clients
A Bail Bond Agent is very familiar with their local courts systems and have dozens of contacts. As a result, they can often begin the process of freeing clients as soon as they get a call from the defendant or their family members. When agents meet clients, they explain the bond process and advise them of what will happen each step of the way. Bail bond professionals do not judge prisoners. They treat them with dignity and work hard to get them free on bond.
Bail Bonds Offer Financial Benefits
There are several ways that arranging bail bonds benefits clients financially. Agents charge clients just 10%-15% of the bail amount. Most defendants can come up with that amount without having to sell any of their assets. Some prisoners who are wealthy still arrange bonds by contacting agents by phone or sites like Sitename. Arranging for a bail bond allows them to go free without tying up their cash. They have more money to spend on their defenses.
Defendants Maintain Their Privacy
Bond agents are also discrete. They are aware of the damage that an arrest can do to clients’ reputations, so they are careful to protect defendants’ privacy and information. Bail bond professionals are also fast and are often able to have clients freed so quickly that friends, neighbors, co-workers, and even family members never know about their legal troubles.
It is common for prisoners to call bail bond professionals soon after their arrests. Bond agents reassure defendants and then write bonds that guarantee the courts their clients will meet all legal obligations. Bail bond professionals also save clients the full cost of bail and protect their privacy. To see their business reviews visit Yelp page.