How Family Dentists in Charlotte, NC Treat Painful Abscessed Teeth

by | Sep 20, 2023 | Uncategorized

An abscessed tooth refers to a severe infection of the pulp inside your tooth. While some people only experience mild pain or even no pain at all, others may develop an excruciating or throbbing toothache. In addition to pain, an abscessed tooth can cause gum inflammation, drainage, and a bad taste in your mouth caused by the accumulation of pus. Here are some ways your family dentist in Charlotte, NC can effectively treat your painful dental abscess.

Root Canal

Your family dentist in Charlotte, NC may perform a root canal procedure to treat your abscessed tooth. During this procedure, a small hole is drilled into your tooth so that your dentist can clean out the infected pulp located in the middle of your tooth. Once the infectious material has been completely removed, the tooth will then be filled with a special material and sealed to prevent further infections from developing in the future.

Antibiotic Therapy

Your dentist may prescribe antibiotic therapy for your abscessed tooth, especially if the infection has spread to other parts of your body. If antibiotic therapy is not implemented as soon as possible, the spread of infection can lead to complications such as sepsis, which is a serious blood infection. Your dentist will advise you to complete the entire course of your prescribed antibiotics to help ensure that your tooth infection completely resolves and so that it does not return. To schedule an appointment for an examination, contact Caldwell, Bills, Petrilli & West Dentistry today.

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