When you are looking for a way to deal with pain in your joints, you are going to be deluged with many recommendations. However, one of the questions that you might be asking yourself is can regenerative medicine treatments such as PRP therapy help with joint pain. The answer to that is a resounding yes, and there are many reasons why it is so highly recommended
Since this type of joint pain treatment in Eugene, OR uses the patient’s own blood, it is considered to be a very effective and safe option for therapy. There are generally very few side effects, if any, that are noticeable, and no risk of the patient’s own body rejecting the separated platelets.
Powerful Ingredients
After the platelets are concentrated, they have an impressive amount of such powerful agents as growth factors, signaling molecules, and anti-inflammatory proteins. These all work to deliver the maximum healing potential and are a strong reason why can regenerative medicine treatments such as PRP therapy help with joint pain.
Direct Application
Since the platelets are injected directly into the injured area, it is the most direct way to heal the pain. There is no wait time for medicine to metabolize, like what would happen with oral pain medications. The results last much longer than other treatments, with the average joint pain treatment in Eugene, OR lasting for six months or even longer in some cases.
If you are interested in learning more about this type of pain therapy, please contact QC Kinetix (Eugene). View Testimonial.