In Washington, individuals who have qualifying disabilities have the right to seek disability benefits. These programs provide monetary benefits based on either the individual’s income or the accumulation of benefits through a work history. The recipients also receive Medicaid health insurance. A local attorney provides assistance for individuals who are requesting Social Security disability benefits in Bellingham, WA.
Starting the Application
The first step is to file an application with the Social Security Administration. The agency assesses the individual’s information to determine if they qualify for benefits. The applicant must identify the exact reason for requesting benefits. They must provide details about when the condition started and how it affects them. They must also provide information about all doctors that provided care for them.
Collecting Medical Evidence
The applicant needs to acquire all their medical records for the condition. While the agency can request them, it could reduce unwanted delays if the applicant presents them in the first place. These records define exactly how the condition stops the individual from working in any industry. It also shows the agency clear evidence about why the applicant qualifies.
Complying with Scheduled Appointments
The SSA schedules appointments for all applicants with their doctors, who complete an assessment to determine if the applicant has the condition in question. Applicants must visit a general medicine doctor as well as a psychiatrist. The doctors report back to the agency their findings.
What to Do If You Are Denied
If the application is denied, the individual must determine if they want to file an appeal or a lawsuit. An appeal is essentially a reconsideration for their case. A lawsuit is filed to collect all back-pay starting on the date in which the condition occurred and to start new benefits.
In Washington, individuals who cannot work in any industry have access to social security disability benefits to support themselves financially. They provide access to health care insurance through the Medicaid program. Disabled individuals who are ready to start a claim for Social Security disability benefits in Bellingham, WA can contact the Allen Law Firm and schedule an appointment today.