How To Make The Most Of Personalized Name Pens

by | Mar 28, 2016 | Marketing & Advertising

Personalized name pens can make a wonderful gift idea, provided they are given at the right occasion to the right person. When gifted to someone who has little use for a personalized pen, or if they contain personalization that is irrelevant to the recipient, these items can often wind up in the trash, making your investment seem worthless. Thankfully, when high quality personalized pens are purchased, they can last a long time, and when given to the right person, they are often frequently used. Here are some tips to keep In mind when giving away personalized name pens.

Consider the Occasion

If these pens are going to be personalized with your company’s logo, it’s a good idea to give them in sets of two to current consumers. This encourages your consumer to give the second pen away to a friend or co-worker, helping to spread your brand, reaching an even wider audience. These make excellent items to give away at showcases or display booths, or even as part of a welcome package sent out to new clients.

In other cases, personalized pens may be sent out with Save the Date cards for weddings or other celebratory occasions. Personalize these pens with the name of the occasion, the date, and a website or other online information as an additional reminder to guests. Be sure that each person receives a pen to avoid hurt feelings or miscommunication. For example, if the wedding invitation is for your friend and a guest, send two pens along, one for your friend and one for his or her guest.

Consider the Recipient

Personalized pens can also be used to give to students as prizes or encouragement rewards, or handed out at doctor’s offices to give patients an easy way to remember the contact information for the clinic. In these cases, be sure that the font selected matches the reason for the pen – a cutesy font will make a clinic look less than professional but may be perfect for young students receiving the item as a reward for grades or classroom behavior.

Consider Multi-Functional Options

When obtaining personalized name pens for older students, consider opting for a multi-functional approach. Some pens come with a highlighter, USB drive, or stylus attached, which may be incredibly useful to students studying, or to professionals trying to streamline their stationary.

Consider How To Personalize

One last thing to keep in mind is how to put the personalization on the pen. In some cases, it can be engraved on while in others it might be more appropriate to have it inked on. When giving the item to a professional or for a classy occasion, it’s wise to opt for engraving, but if giving away as part of another promotion or en masse, having the personalization inked on will look best.

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