How Your Use of Social Media May Affect Your Disability Claim

by | Sep 25, 2019 | Law

If you’re like almost 70% of Americans, you have at least one social media profile. Your Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook feeds are likely filled with happy moments, memories, and inspirational quotes. However, if you’re applying for or already receiving SSDI (Social Security disability insurance) payments, your online activities may work against you.

The SSA May Already Be Following You

As of the time of this writing, the SSA (Social Security Administration) uses social media only in cases of suspected fraud. However, recent legislative developments may mean that these sites will become powerful investigative tools. The SSA is currently looking at ways to use social media to assess the supportability and consistency of evidence in claimants’ cases. Disability lawyers in Tennessee can provide more case-specific details.

Social Media and Real Life Are Drastically Different

It’s quite troubling to think that your disability benefits could be denied because of a social media post. You don’t have to provide ID to create an account, which means anyone could make a profile under your name and the SSA would have no way to authenticate it. A person’s social media story isn’t always reflective of their real-life circumstances, and the SSA’s access to these accounts poses some serious privacy issues. If you use Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media site and you’re applying for or already receiving benefits, evaluate every post and every picture before you put it out there for the world (and the Social Security Administration) to see.

Get the Legal Help You Need

Disability claims are complex, and every person’s situation is unique. If you’re in the process of applying for benefits or you’re appealing a previous denial, it makes sense to have disability lawyers in Tennessee on your side. Visit us at to learn about our services or call the Law Offices of Miller & Drozdowski, PC. to request a no-obligation initial consultation.

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