It is well known that healing various areas of the body cannot take place without the proper amount of oxygen. Because most injuries and illnesses occur at the tissue or cellular level, advanced oxygen intake is an essential form of wellness therapy. In a variety of common cases, the human body is unable to produce an adequate oxygen supply, particularly with ailments such as with non-healing wounds, circulatory problems, or strokes. As a result, a specific type of oxygen is required in these situations, and it must be administered by a health practitioner.
A Dependable Healing Therapy
This is why hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Fenton, MI is a valued type of treatment. This type of therapy enhances the quality of life for patients, particularly in situations where standardized methods are no longer effective. Certain conditions, such as cerebral palsy, strokes, chronic fatigue, and migraines tend to respond well to Fenton hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
The therapy can also be facilitated before and after a surgical procedure. When used as a wellness therapy, it can help patients who suffer from burns, autism, ADD/ADHD, Crohn’s disease, decreased immune function, fibromyalgia, head injuries, multiple sclerosis, and various sports injuries as well.
Therefore, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a safe and effective way to encourage recovery and healing for patients of all ages. The treatments saturate the body’s cells with pure oxygen by using a pressurized hyperbaric chamber. Patients breathe in pure oxygen while lying inside the machine.
How Hyperbaric Therapy Works
Under regular circumstances, oxygen is usually transported by the red blood cells. When hyperbaric oxygen therapy is employed, however, the oxygen is dissolved into the body’s fluids. In turn, it is carried to areas where the circulation is blocked or reduced.
By using this approach, additional oxygen can reach the damaged tissues for healing purposes. The increased level of oxygen enhances the capacity of the white blood cells to get rid of bacteria, and the process helps reduce swelling too. Hyperbaric treatments are well documented and supported by clinical studies. Patients that are afflicted with a number of different disorders and illnesses can receive the relief they need when they make use of this therapy.