Just like humans, there is a wide range of illnesses that can threaten the health of a pet. Dogs and cats are vulnerable to rabies, cancer, and other diseases which can quickly end their life. Aside from the vaccines that are required by law, there are other vaccines pet owners should consider to ensure their pet stays healthy for life. Through Pet Vaccination in Olathe KS, pets can avoid the serious illnesses that could cause problems with their health.
Dogs should have the following vaccines:
• Distemper
• Measles
• Parvovirus
• Rabies
• Hepatitis
• Respiratory disease
• Parainfluenza
• Bordetella
• Leptospirosis
• Coronavirus
• Lyme
The times these vaccines should be given will depend on the age of the dog and their health. A veterinarian can assist owners in staying on track of their dog’s vaccination schedule to ensure they are each administered at the correct times in the dog’s life.
Cats should have the following vaccines:
• Panleukopenia
• Rhinotracheitis
• Calicivirus
• Rabies
• Feline Leukemia
• Chlamydophilia
• Infectious Peritonitis
• Bordetella
• Giardia
• Immunodeficiency virus
Vaccinations for cats typically begin once a kitten reaches the age of six to eight weeks. It is crucial cat owners stay on schedule with the cat’s vaccinations so they will not only meet the requirements of the law but will also protect the health of their cat and prevent them from developing deadly diseases.
At each yearly checkup, the veterinarian will discuss which vaccinations are due and when they need to be administered. Most vets set up a fixed schedule for cats and dogs at their first checkup appointment to ensure the doses are given in a timely manner. If a dose is missed, it is crucial the owner seeks help from the vet to get the schedule back on track so the pet is not in danger if exposed to a virus or disease.
If you would like to learn more about Pet Vaccination in Olathe KS, Click here. Through this site, you can learn more about protecting your pet’s health through vaccinations. If your pet needs vaccinations or needs a checkup appointment, call the office right away to schedule your appointment. Through these veterinarian care appointments, your pet can stay healthy and strong.