Improving A Parking Area With Asphalt Paving Houston TX

by | May 16, 2016 | Paving

If someone owns their own apartment building, they will want to make sure their tenants have a safe spot to park their vehicles when they are not in use. The parking area should be tended to regularly so there is no risk of injury to anyone who uses it. Here are some steps that should be taken regularly in keeping a parking area safe for apartment tenants.

It is important to do an evaluation of the lot every week to make sure there are no areas with damage present within the asphalt. At the first signs of decay, a service doing Asphalt Paving Houston TX can be notified to come to the area to add a new coating of asphalt over the surface of the lot. If the damage is very small, it may be able to be patched by the apartment owner. This temporary fix will keep the lot intact, but a new coating of asphalt should be added soon afterward so additional decay does not occur.

To fix a small hole, pieces of gravel can be pushed inside of it to help give the asphalt some stability. It can then be covered with an asphalt cement to seal the pieces of stone underneath. This can be spread into place using a putty knife. When the material hardens, the lot will be able to be used once again.

It is a good idea to have a parking area evaluated by an asphalt paving service each year. They will be able to add a coating of sealant over the lot to help protect it from additional wear and tear from the elements and normal everyday use. They will advise the apartment owner when to have new asphalt placed to keep the lot structurally sound.

If an apartment owner wishes to revitalize their tenants’ parking area, they can call a reliable service doing Asphalt Paving Houston TX. A service like Teague’s Asphalt will come to the property and take a look at the lot to see how much damage needs to be repaired. In many cases, a simple fix is a new coat of asphalt over the existing surface. An estimate can be given at this time so the owner can decide what path to take in revamping the lot.

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