Indications Your Vehicle Is Telling You It Might Need a Brake Replacement

by | Apr 25, 2017 | Automotive

The time to think about whether your vehicle needs a brake replacement is not when all 4,000 pounds of it is hurtling down the expressway at 70-plus miles per hour. Should you need to stop suddenly, it might take the length of a football field to stop. That’s assuming you’ve taken the time keep maintain the vehicle’s brakes.

Sadly, brake maintenance is one of the most overlooked aspects of vehicle upkeep, that automobile owners are guilty of. Won’t it be of great benefit, if our vehicles could just tell us when the brakes are wearing, and in need of maintenance? Luckily, for car owners, they can -; they just need to listen.

The following are common ways your vehicle tells you it might need a brake replacement:

* Vibrating Brake Pedal -: If you are driving a vehicle equipped with anti-lock brake (ABS), then you are familiar with the pulsing or vibrating feel of the brake pedal, during an emergency stop. This is normal under those circumstances. If this is felt under normal braking conditions it usually indicates worn brakes or warped brake pads. Sometimes, worn brake pads can be reconditioned, if not, they must be replaced. Less often warped rotors may cause the condition.

* Dashboard Lights -: Indicator lights on the vehicle’s dashboard will light up when the vehicle’s electronic sensors sense a problem. Depending on the color, yellow or red, it could mean it’s due for an inspection, a problem with the ABS, or an issue with the brakes themselves.

* Screeching Noises -: Brakes pads come equipped with a metal shim surrounding them whose function is to emit a high-pitched screeching sound when the brake pads are wearing thin. The sound is designed to be loud enough to hear when the vehicle’s window are rolled up.

* Grinding Noises -: Hearing a grinding noise when stepping on the brake pedal is not a sound a driver wants to hear. It probably means the brake pads are completely worn away, leaving the brake caliper and brake disc rubbing together, causing the grinding sound. Most likely the rotors must be replaced, as well as the brake pads.

A vehicle’s brakes are a vital safety component. These indications and others, such as a mushy brake pedal or pulling to the side when applying the brakes, is a sign that you need to visit website, for a brake inspection. You and your family’s lives may depend on it. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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