Information about Pediatric Dentistry in Franklin MA

by | Jul 1, 2015 | Dentistry

The main objective of pulp treatment in primary teeth is to maintain the integrity and health of the oral tissues. It is desirable to maintain the vitality of the pulp of teeth affected by cavities or trauma. However, a tooth can remain functional partially or totally even after eliminating the pulp. Your local Pediatric Dentistry in Franklin MA can determine whether your child needs dental work in this regard.

Stated pulp treatment objectives are based on a clinical diagnosis that helps determine the state of the pulp. A complete preoperative examination is essential for a correct diagnosis and to establish the appropriate treatment and prognosis. This examination should include a complete medical and dental history, with emphasis on the characteristics of pain, clinical and radiographic examination, with additional evidence necessary as palpation, percussion and evaluation of mobility; without forgetting the direct exploration which will confirm the diagnosis. Once the medical history and clinical examinations are done, the dentist will establish a diagnosis that ultimately determines the most appropriate treatment.

Basically, dentists must specify whether the pulp is normal or in a state of reversible inflammation. The state of reversible pulp inflammation requires vital pulp treatment and is characterized by an:
Absence of spontaneous or persistent pain,

*     Absence of sensitivity to percussion and palpation,

*     Absence of pathological mobility,

*     Absence of pathological radiographic findings, and/or

*     Aspect of the red pulp and controllable bleeding.

Conversely, if the issue involves irreversible pulp, it is probably accompanied by necrosis (death of the tooth). This condition manifests with the presence of spontaneous and persistent pain, tenderness to percussion or palpation, tooth mobility, fistula drainage obvious radiographic findings and pulp fragmented appearance with maroon and heavy bleeding. The Pediatric Dentistry in Franklin MA you take your child to will determine the extent of the damage. In cases where the infection cannot be controlled, there is a substantial loss of supporting bone with significant mobility, extensive pathological root resorption or the tooth is considered for extraction.

For any pulp treatment, using rubber dam isolation to minimize bacterial contamination is recommended. Do not put your child’s oral health at risk. Contact your local dentist or visit the website today.

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