Is It Time For a New Air Conditioning Installation?

by | Jul 21, 2022 | Air Conditioning

All good things must come to an end, and that includes your current air conditioning unit. While it was great, you think it may be about to fail. If any of the following is true, now is the time to talk with an expert about an air conditioning installation near Arlington Heights, IL. Doing so will ensure you’re ready for whatever the summer months may bring.

There’s a noticeable decrease in efficiency. Even with the unit running most of the time, the place isn’t as cool as normal. Since the weather is not unseasonably warm and nothing else has changed, it may be that your older unit is wearing out. A professional can check it and tell you what should be done.

Along with the drop in efficiency, you also notice that the cost of operating the air conditioner is increasing. There’s been no change in electrical rates, but the usage is up considerably. The reason is that your older unit has become an energy hog. The only way to reverse the situation is to invest in a new and more energy efficient unit.

Last, you may need a new air conditioning installation near Arlington Heights, IL, if the older unit doesn’t have some features that you want. Today’s units include remote access to controls, something that helps you control the energy consumption even when you’re not home.

Whatever your reasons, arrange for a contractor to visit the home and checking the aging unit. What you may find is that investing in a new one would be the smartest move you could make this year.

For more information, contact Gleason Heating and Air Conditioning.

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