Is Your Organization Using Popoff Sutures Yet?

by | Sep 12, 2019 | Medical

When you are looking for new types of materials and methods to improve surgical outcomes or at least minimize risks, you need innovative products. One of those options is the Pop off sutures that are being used at many surgical centers today. This unique type of suture can offer a number of benefits to your organization mainly due to how easy they are to use, how they minimize risks to your patients, and how they minimize needle stick risks to your employees.

How Do They Work?

The term Pop off sutures are one that describes a procedure in which the needle will quick release from the suture. That means the needle pulls away from the suture with ease. This tends to be a popular option for many surgeons because of just how easy it is to use.
This particular type of suture can work in many areas. It can be used for most types of procedures because there are numerous styles and sizes available. You can learn more about them to determine if they can work well within your organization. Chances are good; they can be for many reasons.

What Makes Them the Same?

When considering this style of suture, make sure to realize there is no real difference in Payoff’s in terms of the suture itself. It is still very safe to use and applies the same type of results for the patient as a standard needle will. It can also help to improve outcomes in many cases. They can be used to make all types of ties, which some more traditional types may not, though.
When considering all of the options for your procedures, recognize that Pop off sutures are one of the most common options. They work very easily and are quite reliable overall. This makes them a preferred option for many surgeons in the field today.

Resource Box: When looking at Pop off sutures, look to SharpFluidics. See how they can help at their website today.

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