Keep the Lawn, Home, or Office Clean With Quality Sewer Line Repair in Gig Harbor, WA

by | Dec 18, 2022 | Uncategorized

Owning a home or managing a business can present any number of obstacles for a person to deal with. Generally speaking, plumbing concerns are often the worst of these mind-numbing irritations because of the excessive damage that can be done is such a short time. Consider the primary sewer line. This piece of pipe connects the building to the primary waste water treatment plant. If the home or building happens to be located outside of a city or other municipal district, then this treatment system could be a septic system. Either way, the weak point is often the large pipe that leads from the building. When this pipe gets clogged or suffers damage, it is time to consider sewer line repair in Gig Harbor, WA.

Repairing a sewer line is one of the most dreaded outdoor plumbing jobs because of the amount of digging required to access the pipe. Part of the problem happens when the soil shifts and things aren’t where they are supposed to be. Before you know it, what started out as a simple task has become an expensive sewer line repair. Thankfully, there are solutions in these situations that might help. For instance, inserting a sleeve inside the damaged sewer line could repair the sewer leak and have the customer flushing the toilets in no time. This particular fix is known as a trenchless sewer line repair and has an estimated working life of ten to thirty years under moderate loads.

Sometimes, sewer line damage can be so bad that replacement is the only option. To save a little time, the contractor may be able to skip digging out the damaged pipe and focus on getting the sewage flowing again. Sewer lines are a low-flow system that used to be made from clay tiles or similar items. Modern sewer lines typically use PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride). The pipe will be sized to suit the outflow of the building, but most homes and smaller businesses use a four-inch pipe. Some of the most common symptoms with sewer line problems include slow draining tubs, toilets that fill and then drain slowly, or bubbling noises from the drain. If any of these symptoms show themselves or you need help with plumbing problems. Visit A Advanced Septic & Construction Services for all types of plumbing services.

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