Keys to Success in a Workers Compensation Case

by | Jul 17, 2015 | Personal Injury

Workers compensation cases can be tricky and complex. To win, the clients starting the case need to make sure they have the best workers compensation attorney in Marietta. Yet an attorney cannot win you the workers compensation case on their own, but to make sure that the workers compensation claim filed is successful, the client and the attorney needs to work together hand in hand.

The best case scenario is when the clients cooperate in every way possible with the lawyer, which significantly increases the chances of winning. This is the key to making sure that you achieve success in your case. Here is a list of a few elements that will make a relationship between a client and workers compensation attorney in Marietta successful, in turn allowing the client to win the case.

Attend all Medical Appointments

It is integral for the clients to attend all sorts of medical appointments. This is particularly true for Independent Medical Evaluations scheduled by the employer/insurer, since these may be used as evidence to substantiate your claim. Inability to do so can result in the suspension of weekly indemnity benefits.

Always stay in communication with your Attorney

Your attorney is the one who is fighting for your future. Hence, it is important that you keep in touch with your attorney always, even after every doctor’s appointment. Attorney in workers compensation cases need to be kept up to date on medical progress. This is important because your rate of recovery will affect the decision of your attorney with regards to the best time to settle your case.

Provide Your Attorney with evidences

The evidences of the case, especially for sub claims, need to provided to the attorney as soon as possible. These may include, for example, your mileage reimbursement requests as well as request for prescription reimbursement. If you wait till the end of the case, chances are that the time for claiming of these claims would have passed.

Don’t Lie to Your Attorney

Make sure you are honest with your attorney about your medical history. This will include making sure that you tell him/her about any pre-existing medical conditions. Also, make sure that any prior workers’ compensation claims or personal injury you have filed are under their notice.

Clear the Confusion Beforehand

It is important that before the formal start of the process, you should clear any and all confusions you have with regards to this case. If you have any questions about any aspect of your case, make sure you walk up to your workers compensation attorney and ask them about the issue. Make sure that you are confident enough in your attorney’s ability to want the best for you.

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