If you are in the market for Auto Insurance in Honey Brook and you know you have a good driving record, you may be curious as to what discounts are common. Knowing what discounts are commonly applied can help you determine whether you are being offered a fair rate, or whether you can get better rates elsewhere by shopping around. Here are some of the most common discounts associated with auto insurance policies.
Good Driver Discount:
The most common discount for Auto Insurance in Honey Brook is a good driver discount. If you do not have any tickets or accidents on your driving record, and you have been driving for at least five years or more, you should qualify for this type of discount. Old tickets and accidents fall off of your driving record within five to seven years, depending on the type of ticket, so even if you have had an accident or ticket in the past, you may still qualify for this discount, as long as enough time has lapsed since the incident occur ed.
Multi Policy Discount:
Another common type of discount that is offered for Auto Insurance in Honey Brook is a multi policy discount. Most people carry many different insurance policies, including homeowner’s insurance, renter’s insurance, life insurance or insurance policies on recreational vehicles, such as boats and motor homes. If you carry multiple insurance policies and you buy all of your insurance policies through the same company, you should get a multi policy discount. This rewards people for buying all of their policies through the same company.
Married Driver Discount:
The last discount that is common for Auto Insurance in Honey Brook is a married driver discount. If you have recently married, make sure to let your auto insurer know, as odds are, your rates will lower as long as you have both been driving for at least five years.
If you are in the market for a new insurance policy, consider getting a free quote from Unruh Insurance Agency. They offer competitive rates, including all of the discounts listed above, to help you get an auto insurance policy at an affordable price.