Poor credit can follow a person around like a black cloud. When a person’s FICO score is not where it should be, they may find it difficult to obtain a loan, buy a house, buy a car, or even rent an apartment. Thankfully, there are legal means to overcome a bad score and improve it with the right steps. Individuals need to learn all they can about the Credit Repair Service in Melbourne FL so they can make a sound decision.
How Does Credit Repair Work?
Those who are dealing with a poor credit score need to know about credit repair service in Melbourne FL. These services help to erase certain items from a credit report so a person’s score naturally rises. The following are some of the steps that are involved in the process.
* One of the first steps the company will take is to pull a full report from all three major credit reporting agencies. It is important the full report is obtained so the individual can review the information and search for any errors.
* Obvious errors can easily be removed by taking a few steps in working with the reporting creditor and the credit reporting agency. The credit repair professional will take these steps on behalf of their client. This is called a dispute process.
* Items that are older than the time allowed for reporting can be removed by contacting the credit reporting agency. Generally speaking, items older than seven years must be removed.
* Sometimes, a person’s credit report is damaged because of improperly listed items. Charge-offs and other issues can cause a decreased score. The credit repair professional will work on making sure all erroneous items are removed and only the latest information is used in calculating the score.
Get Help Today
Those who have a low credit score do not have to be stuck with one forever. If you are in need of these services, contact G.I. Tax Services right away. Call the office if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment. They will help to increase your credit score and make sure it accurately represents you.