When purchasing an automobile, consumers have a realistic expectation that the vehicle will operate correctly. Whether a new auto or a used when a person buys an automobile from a dealership, they expected to have the car on the road and not constantly being repaired. In the past, there was nothing that would protect consumers from purchasing a defective automobile. People would be stuck paying for one repair after another on a car to make it operational or they would eventually have to purchase a different one. Today, however, residents in Arizona have the Lemon Law to protect them from purchasing a defective automobile.
How a Lawyer can help
An attorney knows and understands how the lemon law works in Arizona for both used and a new automobile.
A lawyer is able to assist their clients determining if they have a case against the dealership.
From the manufacturer to the dealership, they will be able to determine who is responsible for the automobile being faulty.
An attorney will file the correct documentation with the court system when a client is filing a claim.
They work with their clients every step of the way to help them be victorious in the courtroom against the manufacturer.
Gain From having Experience and Knowledge on Your Side
When it comes to a filing claim that an automobile that was sold to you is faulty, you want to have a knowledgeable attorney firm on your side. Especially if the manufacturer is the party that is at fault for a defective product, they will already have a team of attorneys to help dispute your claim. That is why you want to make sure you have a skilled and experienced attorney firm to handle the case for you. Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® offers their clients affordable services when they have been a victim of defective products or automobiles.