Knowing When to Contact a Personal Injury Attorney in Tyler, TX.

by | Mar 18, 2020 | Uncategorized

When a person is injured through the neglect or purposeful action of another, financial distress from medical bills and time off from work frequently occur. Despite the financial problems, people who get a personal injury in Tyler, TX. are frequently hesitant to call an attorney after their accident. These three steps indicate when a personal injury attorney should be contacted.

Lingering or Severe Pain

Nobody wants to call an attorney specializing in personal injury in Tyler, TX. for a pain that can be cured by taking Tylenol. But if the pain persists for several days, or is severe enough to require an Emergency Room visit, it is time to consider calling an attorney.

Having to Miss Work

Time off from work due to an accident that was caused by another person or company stands to cause a severe financial hardship. If the other person or company is found liable in a personal injury lawsuit, they could owe the injured party financial compensation for work that had to be missed due to the injury.

Feeling Overwhelmed

Following an accident, individuals may be recipients of numerous phone calls from the other party’s attorneys. They may face rising medical bills. They may be uncertain how to proceed to turn their life back to normal. A personal injury in Tyler, TX. can keep an individual from feeling desperate and alone. Personal injury lawyers can help.

Holmes, Moore, Waldron, & Parrish P.L.L.C. offers personal injury law services to residents of Tyler, TX.

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