Learning About French Drains in Wakefield MA

by | Feb 18, 2019 | Water Proofing

Homeowners can use French drains in Wakefield MA to help deal with water issues. Anyone who has a problem with a wet area in their yard that never seems to go away might need a new type of drainage system. Water in the basement after it rains can also be caused by inefficient draining. A property owner will have to explore different solutions to find out what might work best for them.

French Drain Basics

When a person first hears about French drains in Wakefield MA, they might envision a complex system that is hard to create. The truth of the matter is that a french drain isn’t very complicated to make. A pipe is placed in a ditch that is lined with gravel. The pipe helps to move water away from a building so that it can’t cause any damage.

More On French Drains

Naturally, a person who is thinking about installing a French drain will want to know what makes them effective. While a gutter system is able to remove water from a home’s roof, a French drain deals with the water once it hits the ground. Combining the two methods of water control can produce great results. Even if a gutter is doing its job correctly, there can be problems if the water isn’t handle the right way once it is dispersed.

Making A French Drain

The design of a French drain is quite simple. A ditch has to be dug in the area where the piping will be placed. It’s important to create a slope so that the water flows away from the building that is to be protected. An inch slope about every 8 feet works pretty well for this type of drain. Crushed rocks can be placed inside the ditch before the pipe is used. Anyone who doesn’t want to go to all the trouble of making their own drain system can just hire a contractor to do it for them.

Homeowners should learn about all the different ways they can protect their properties. Installing a French drain is just another method a person can use to help with their home.

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