Long-Distance Relationships Can Work Well; This Is How

by | Apr 26, 2017 | Health

Although there is no doubting that long-distance relationships are difficult to keep going and effective, despite your friends and family not taking you seriously, you will know how well the relationship is bonding. You may need to take some long-distance relationship advice on how to make the relationship work from a relationship counselor.

Keeping in Contact

It’s complicated and difficult keeping a long-distance relationship alive, and it is easy to become sad when you are lonely and are unable to share a hug or a conversation with your loved one. The small matters, like eating at the same table or walking the dog, will be impossible when you are so far apart.

When you receive long distance relationship advice on how to make the relationship work your therapist will talk about your communication skills. Agreeing to commit to communicating too often will be just as difficult as not communicating enough. It is better that the communication is high-quality rather than trying to communicate when the other individual is too busy.

Only you will understand how much commitment to communication is required and you must agree what works for both of you so that neither of you sees this as an upsetting time.

Reach for The Positives

When you talk to your therapist for long distance relationship advice on how to make the relationship work, they may suggest that you see this as a great opportunity for you to learn how to live apart so that you can learn to live together for the rest of your lives.

Setting ground rules to help you understand about each individual’s expectations of your time apart will help you understand how the other is feeling when you are too far apart to be able to meet regularly. Your communication must be creative, and you may decide to do things together by using your computers, perhaps where one of you sings as the other plays the guitar or any other personal choices that forge the bond and keeps you together while you are so far apart.

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