Long Island Family Attorney

by | Mar 19, 2013 | Law Services

The elderly are often forgotten in our fast-paced society. It may be your parent or your neighbor, but many elderly people simply cannot defend themselves for a variety of reasons. The elderly are often discriminated against and it is time for that to stop. A Long Island Family Attorney can help you with anything involving an elderly person from nursing home abuse to age discrimination in a job interview. Elder law is a fast-growing segment of law and more people are understanding that the elderly are still living people and have the same rights as those half their age.

You will see that elder law happens a lot more often than you think. Often in nursing homes and hospitals where there are many elder people to care for, several will fall through the cracks and may not receive adequate care. This is when an elder law attorney can step in.

Q: How do I find an elder law attorney in my area?

A: Start with a search online. Pretty much every attorney now has a website when they show everything they do with their practice. You can find an experienced elder law attorney by searching the term and your city or town. You will see that elder law is an area of law that is growing exponentially because of the demand for it.

Q: What do I need when I meet with an elder law attorney?

A: You need anything that supports your case. You can provide the elder law attorney with records that document the abuse or neglect from a business, nursing home or doctor with simple journal entries the elderly person chronicles after each visit. While these entries will not be the sole reason a judge will see the case, they do help provide a chronological timeline of the abuse.

Q: Can an elderly person contact an elder law attorney?

A: Yes! That’s the type of mentality elder law is trying to change. An elderly person who feels they are being mistreated can seek out an elder law attorney to get the treatment or money they deserve. Many elderly people feel intimidated about finding a person to help them with things, but the matter of the fact is, no one knows the law like an attorney, which is why it’s vital to have a professional in your corner on these sorts of things.

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