Low-Voltage Lighting Installation Tips

by | Oct 25, 2012 | Electrical

Low-voltage lighting is the best option for landscaping lighting because it mean massive energy saving. If you are in Palm Springs, there are several tips that will help you get the best low-voltage lighting.

Stick with LED lighting solutions. LED lights are not only energy efficient, they also last longer. You will save money if you break your lighting layout into different cable runs of between 100 and 150 watt runs each. Having a low load per run is advantageous in that it means lower voltage drop.

Consider breaking up the layout into distance zones. An example of this is putting the lighting fixtures 15 to 30 feet away from the transformer on the first run, between 25 and 40 feet on the second run, and between 30 and 50 feet on the third one. Having all the runs on approximately the same distance from your transformer means they will have the same voltage drop. This is important because you can then increase the voltage for the different runs to adjust for voltage drop without the risk of over-volting or under-volting the lights.

You should not “daisy chain” the lighting fixtures. This means you should not connect the lighting fixtures after fixtures in-line to the same cables. You could have some fixtures in series, but you should not have more than 75 watts or 3 fixtures in a series. The best option is spider or T splices.

You should bring the wires in a run to the middle zone from the transformer and branch off more cables from here for the different areas in your yard. You could use a junction box/hub for this. You could also splice in more cables for T layouts. Use magnetic transformers & dimmers for dimming. Having low-voltage lighting that dims is advantageous in that you will have the desired effect and you will save money on electricity. The driver should be located external to each fixture for the fixture to be cool.

Use standard transformers for low-voltage lighting Palm Springs. This is important because you will not have a problem when replacing the transformer. Use multi-tap 12-15VAC and 12V transformers. Maintain the lens of the lighting regularly for energy efficiency. Cleaning the lens regularly means the LED fixture will require less energy, it means minerals will not be baked to the lens, and it means lower lens temperature. The cleaning could be done with soapy water.

Consider buying wide voltage input range, the best range being 9V to 15V. This is important in that the runs will be longer and more flexible. When buying the wire runs, but long distance runs. Choose the material to hold the low-voltage lighting carefully. The material should be corrosion resistant and economical. Some of the best materials are aluminum, brass, and copper. Have a professional install the low-voltage lighting Palm Springs for the safety and the best results.

You should not buy low-voltage lighting, do the wiring, and do the installation immediately. There are several installation tips that will help you get the best results from DG Lights in Palm Springs.

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