At one time, massage was considered an alternative treatment. It has grown in popularity so much and has proven to be so effective that many insurance companies now provide coverage for massage treatment sessions. Here are a few of the benefits a person could receive from the best body rub in Pittsburgh PA.
First, massage is relaxing. The modern world is full of things that can cause a person to experience stress, which means that their body will produce more cortisol. This can contribute to things like sleeplessness, weight gain, and headaches. When a person uses massage therapy, their cortisol levels will go down. Since their stress will go down, they will feel more relaxed. This has the benefit of improving their mood.
High blood pressure is a common problem in the United States. Massage therapy is a great way to lower blood pressure. When massage therapy is used on a regular basis, it will reduce both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Since blood pressure levels will be reduced, this means that the risk that a person faces for kidney failure, heart attack, or stroke will also be reduced.
Getting the best body rub in Pittsburgh, PA, can help to improve circulation in the body. When circulation is improved, this means that stiff, tense, and damaged muscles will receive the rich blood supply they need in order to heal and work properly. The twisting, squeezing, and pulling action in massage will help to remove lactic acid from the muscles, improving overall function in the body.