Mental Disorders And Treatment

by | Oct 17, 2016 | Health

Mental disorders are often characterized by mood swings, erratic though processes and behavior. Mental disorders can make it extremely difficult for the individual, he or she will often find it difficult to interact with family members, fulfill employment expectations or other life functions that most people take for granted. Recent studies show that over 18 percent of the adult population of the US experience or have experienced some type of mental disorder.

Mental health treatment in Minnesota depends a lot on the illness, the severity of it and what works best for you; the patient. In the majority of cases the favored approach to dealing with a mental disorder is through a team approach, thus ensuring that all needs are met including psychiatric, physical and social. The team members often include the patients primary care physician, a psychiatrist, a psychotherapist, social worker and members of the family.


There is no medication that cures mental illness, what they do however is to improve the symptoms as well as making other forms of therapy such as psychotherapy more effective. There are a number of medications that are useful; the best one for the patient depends on the situation. A few of the common classes of drugs are:

* Anti-depressants: Used to treat depression and anxiety, anti-depressants are not addictive
* Anti-anxiety: Used to treat insomnia, panic disorder for example. Should be used for short term
* Mood stabilizers: Used to treat bipolar disorders, mania and depression
* Antipsychotics: Used to treat schizophrenia and other psychic disorders


A well proven mental health treatment in Minnesota is psychotherapy, which is often called “talk therapy.” This approach involves talking with a professional, speaking out the issues related to your condition. During psychotherapy the patient learns about his or her feelings, thoughts and behavioral patterns which over time; teach the patient how to cope and management the stresses of everyday life.

Mental health treatment in Minnesota involves medication, psychotherapy and lifestyle modifications. If you or a loved one is dealing with a mental health issue you are invited to contact “Company Name”.

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