When you find out that you need health insurance after a job layoff or job loss, you may be wondering what to do next. Any insurance you had from your employer is gone after thirty days or less, unless you decide to pick up the exceedingly expensive option of COBRA insurance. However, there are options on the Georgian Health Insurance Marketplace that can help you in these troubling times. Applying isn’t so difficult either when you have some helpful tips.
Have Vital Information of All Family Members Ready
You should know that the process to apply for a marketplace plan in Atlanta, GA, moves a lot faster if you are not tracking down vital information. This includes social security numbers of all family members as well as medications and diagnoses. When prompted, you fill in this information.
The S.S. numbers ensure that any discounts you receive for health insurance on the Marketplace are credited to the right people under the insurance plan you select. It prevents impostors from getting insurance using your identity or the identity of another family member. Medications listed helps ensure that those medications are covered and will continue to be covered under your new insurance. Most diagnoses for medical conditions are covered, but in the event that some are not, the Marketplace will point you towards special health plans that can help cover those costs.
If You Need Help, Call the Hotline
If you get stuck or need more help when you apply for a marketplace plan in Atlanta, GA, call the Marketplace hotline. You may also look for help on the Georgian Health Insurance Marketplace website at www.georgiahealthinsurancemarketplace.com.