When you are in need of dentures or already wear them, you might be wondering if there is a better way than using sloppy adhesives. We offer Dentures Chicago patients who are interested in an alternative to denture adhesives. This type of denture stays put better, is more comfortable and offers durability that slippery dentures do not provide.
Most people will be a good candidate for this procedure. If you are curious about whether or not this type of denture would be right for you, we invite you to schedule a consultation. Your oral health is important to us, and we want you to be a full player in your treatment plan.
With the right type of denture that feels comfortable and makes it easy for you to chew, you can eat a healthy and nutritious diet. Poorly fitting dentures are a leading cause of malnutrition in people who have lost their natural teeth. With this newer type of denture, you will have no problems biting into a freshly sliced apple or enjoying raw vegetables such as carrots and celery. Chewing thick or tough foods will not be a problem, and you will not have to concern yourself with worries about the denture slipping while you chew.
You might be self-conscious of smiling or singing in public or talking in front of strangers if you have dentures that do not fit you the right way. With these new dentures, you will be able to get up and sing, talk or smile with confidence.
When you are ready to consider dentures Chicago, contact us at Chicago Dental Solutions. You may also visit us online at http://www.ChicagoDentalSolutions.com to learn more about our denture services. Follow us on twitter.