New York Show Business Experts Recommend Digital Cinema Packaging Gear

by | Jan 12, 2024 | Business

Some film buffs continue to prefer watching movies in some sort of physical format, but the overwhelming majority of the industry has changed over to DCP packaging equipment. This gear allows directors and producers to sample their videos down to a single file, which is then distributed to movie theaters over a network. As a result, they don’t have to spend anything getting their features into the cineplex locations that they want to screen them at.

Large Hollywood studios were among the first to adopt this technology, which might help to explain why digital rights management code is baked into it. Bigger companies are among those most likely to be concerned about the possibility of piracy, so the format was designed with DRM systems in mind. Nevertheless, it’s been smaller creators who have adopted it the most enthusiastically. That’s because they no longer have to deal with the high distribution costs that are associated with getting physical reels of film into theaters.

Organizations that produce documentaries or small features on a shoestring budget can work with local area specialists, who can help them author digital files that can then get sent out to a wide array of theaters willing to showcase their material. These clients would be given the option of using the same exact sort of authoring software that the biggest names in Hollywood use, which goes a long way toward democratizing the overall entertainment market in this country.

Learn more about DCP packaging technology by visiting the Chromavision online.

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