If a parent needs to obtain or modify an order for child visitation, they should contact a family attorney in New Market. There are many things the court will take into account when approving an order. Once an order is established, it is rarely changed unless there is a significant change of circumstances.
The court is interested in maintaining the comfort of a child and their best interests. A court will not look highly upon a parent who repeatedly wants to change an order for frivolous reasons or to seek revenge against the other parent. A judge’s focus in the best interest of the child and not the parent’s petty squabbles.
Parents are encouraged to co-parent their child, which includes agreeing and cooperating with their child’s best interest in mind. When parents can do this, it creates a better atmosphere for a child to be raised in.
Awarding Custody
In certain situations, a parent is awarded as the custodial parent of the child and the other physical custody of the child. Other situations involve the parents having joint physical custody, each parent has at least 35% of the time with their child, and the other has visitation. Joint physical custody is when both parents act as the custodial parent.
One parent could be awarded primary custody with the other parent have visitation. The various types of custody and child visitation in New Market are very confusing and require the help of an experienced attorney.
Legal Custody
Legal custody involves making major decisions about a child’s life. This could include their education, religion, extra-curricular activities, and much more. When parents can get along, the court will usually award joint legal custody so both parents have a say in their child’s life.
Physical and legal custody will be awarded based on the best interest of the child. It will also depend on how well the parents are able to communicate about the child. A family law attorney will paint a parent in the best light possible and help them get through this difficult situation.
The Russell & Heffner LLC has a lot of experience helping individuals in child custody situations. For the best outcome possible to your case, give them a call today.