Overcoming the Fear of Sexual Abuse Counseling in Chalfont, PA

by | Jan 21, 2016 | Health Care

Researching statistics on sexual abuse would likely produce horrifying results, and these findings would show that many sexual abuse cases remain unreported. At the heart of this matter lies the fact that people feel afraid and ashamed. Some think they are responsible for the abuse they endured when that is not the case at all. Others are scared that if they report their stories, their abusers will come for them. All of these anxieties and feelings lead to people who avoid ever speaking to another person about their experiences. Harboring those feelings for years or a lifetime can have serious negative consequences, but choosing Sexual Abuse Counseling in Chalfont PA can help people to work toward a brighter future.

Individuals who schedule appointments at Mary V. Shull Counseling can finally discuss the situation that happened to them. Keeping a negative experience stored inside can lead individuals to experience serious emotional and mental turmoil. They may feel withdrawn from their loved ones, and they may begin to pull away from their educational or vocational experiences. Because of sexual abuse, they may have little direction in their lives. Speaking to a counselor finally helps them to feel as though they have another person on their side; they will learn that they do not have to endure these emotions alone, and they can start to map out a road to recovery with a supportive guide.

Speaking with a counselor also allows people to gain a different perspective on the situation. When they talk with a professional in the field, they can finally start to realize that they are not responsible for what happened to them. Sexual Abuse Counseling in Chalfont PA also opens the door to other types of resolutions. The therapist can help these individuals to recognize the legal possibilities that they have and learn how to take advantage of them in a safe and effective manner. Clients can also speak with the therapists to learn about ways to channel the negative energy they have held onto for all of these years. For example, they may begin to paint or create clay models to release the frustration pent up inside of them. Visit here for more information.

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