As you very well know, taxes can be complicated. And if you ever get behind on them, they can be even more complicated. If you owe back taxes it is in your best interest to get it resolved as quickly as possible. Here is one way you can get the tax relief 세금 감면 you need.
Offer In Compromise
One way to get tax relief in Los Angeles CA, is through what is known as an Offer In Compromise. An Offer In Compromise gives you the ability to settle your back taxes with the IRS for less than what you owe.
If you are in a situation where you are absolutely unable to pay your tax debt, or if doing so will cause financial hardship for you and your family, an Offer In Compromise may be your best option.
While this may sound like a promising option, please know that not everyone will qualify. As a matter of fact, according to some sources, the IRS accepts fewer than half of the applications for this type of offer.
The good news is, an Offer In Compromise is just one of the many ways you can get the tax relief 세금 감면 you need. You can also request a payment plan or put your account in “Currently Not Collectible” status. To find out which options would be best for your situation, its best to reach out to a professional tax relief company 세금 감면 회사.