Packing Supplies Used by Houston Movers

by | Jan 11, 2013 | Moving and Relocating

The task of packing up your house for the move can be very daunting. Getting the right supplies is the first step to begin packing up. You want to pack in such a way that your household goods are moved to your new home in one piece. If you decide against full service Houston movers then you need to make sure that you have the right packing boxes and other supplies to protect your valuables during the move.

The packing supplies you will need will include wrapping paper or unprinted newsprint. This is the paper that most movers use. Newsprint can be purchased in bundles of ten, twenty-five and fifty pounds and should be used liberally wrapping each item in 2 -3 sheets. When packing up dishes, be sure to wad some of the newsprint at the bottom so that it provides cushioning. Your dishes should also be packed horizontally as this will keep them from breaking and not vertically.

Bubble wrap is another material commonly used by Houston movers. There is a 3/16 inch bubble wrap and a ½-inch bubble wrap. The bigger wrap is a great idea if you are wrapping large items, pictures, or mirrors.  When wrapping, be careful with furniture and items that come in a lacquered wood finish. This can react with the wrap and leave several bubble marks all over the surface of your furniture. What you can do to stop that from happening is first wrap your furniture with paper and then cover it in the bubble wrap. The smaller 3/16 inch wrap is great when you want to wrap smaller items as well as dishes. Not only is it form fitting, it also takes up little space in the box.

Tape is one of the most essential items for movers. Go for tape that is either tan or clear colored and at least 2 inches wide. The tape should be strong with a thickness of 1.8 if not thicker.  If you go for cheap tape you will find yourself very frustrated as it cracks and splits. A tape gun will make things a lot easier for you as well.

Moving boxes come in a variety of sizes.  Small boxes are great for DVDs, CDs, books and other small objects that you need to carry with you. Medium sized boxes can be used for just about anything while large boxes are perfect for clothing and linens. Do not use extra-large boxes unless you are packing lightweight things such as stuffed animals and comforters. The weight of this box can prove to be more than your movers can handle. The wardrobe box is perfect for hanging clothes while the dish pack box is ideal for packing your glasses and other dishes.

Professional movers make moving look so easy but it is because they know what supplies to use.  Having the right packing supplies will make packing much easier for you too.

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