Paper Towels or Automatic Hand Dryers?

by | May 4, 2015 | Uncategorized

Do paper towels cost less than maintaining and running a hand dryer?  Paper towels probably have the larger environmental impact than automatic hand dryers. The costs of producing, packaging, transporting and storing must be considered. It takes water and energy to make the paper towels and energy consumption when packaging the product. Fuel energy consumption is necessary when transporting, and one must consider the energy consumption when storing the towels. Additionally, the work required restocking the hand towel, removing the waste from the bathroom, and disposing the waste from the site are all cost and environmental considerations.

Paper towels often contribute to a lot of problems from people shoving them into toilets and then causing blockages that need to be cleared. They are also quite costly to replenish on a regular basis.

Some of the paper towel costs are not always apparent to the consumer. Facility managers complain that paper towels cause increased maintenance work because restroom users are messy and sometimes inconsiderate when disposing of used towels. Another point to consider is that used paper towels quickly fill trash cans which use liners, and so not just the paper towels need to be thrown out, but the liners as well. The landfills get fuller and fuller.

Automatic hand dryers are by far the best choice if you feel the need to go green. They actually use much less energy considering the all-inclusive costs of the paper towel. Once the initial purchase is made, dryers will last a long time. Research shows that a hand dryer costs .02 cent to .18 cents in electricity per dry, and a paper towel normally costs only 1 cent per sheet. Thus, it takes more energy to make a paper towel than it does to use an automatic hand dryer.

What about germs?  Some say that they require the use of paper towels to touch the door handle when leaving the restroom. This problem is being eliminated as restrooms are being built without doors. Still others are nervous to touch the handle of a paper towel dispenser for fear of spreading germs. Today, dryers have anti-microbial compounds imbedded in the plastic components and paints to directly minimize the spread of bacteria. The nice thing about automatic hand dryers is that they are sensor activated; therefore, there is no touching involved.

Automatic hand dryers are the best way to keep your paws clean. People appreciate efforts made to save the planet and to save trees. Going green and offering automatic hand dryers shows that you care about being environmentally conscious. Visit website for a durable and environmentally friendly hand dryer products.

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