Living in a high-end park model RV is like living in a luxury cottage. Like other manufactured homes, these places of residence are set up on a trailer chassis and technically can be towed from place to place. However, most people who buy one choose to keep the park model in one location and enjoy owning a little house with the features they most want. Park Homes in Malakoff TX are available in a variety of floor plans and exterior designs.
Park Homes in Malakoff TX and elsewhere having living space of 400 sq. ft. or less. Does that sound impossible for premium accommodations? Consider that these little houses from a company such as Platinum Park Homes may have a log cabin design, a wraparound porch and an abundance of big windows to let in natural light. They can have vaulted ceilings, granite countertops and hickory cabinets.
Who chooses Park Homes in Malakoff TX? One example is an older couple who has retired and wants to downsize from a big house with lots of maintenance tasks to a place they don’t have to spend hours cleaning every week. They’ll extend their living area to the front porch and the yard. Another example is a young couple just starting out, finding that buying a park model allows them the benefits of home ownership that they otherwise could not afford. Now they have a place that’s truly theirs and not something they rent from a landlord.
A single person who is busy building a successful career and who likes to go out of town every weekend also enjoys living in a park model home. This person doesn’t have the time or motivation to focus on housekeeping tasks and to buy lots of stuff to fill a big house.
For floor plans, photos and details of high-quality park model homes, visit the website .It may be surprising to see how efficient space can be used in a little house for living and sleeping areas as well as for storage. In fact, prospective home buyers can even customize these places of residence as they make their order. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.