What Should Patients Do to Prepare For Podiatric Surgery in Racine WI?

by | Sep 26, 2017 | Health

There are many reasons a person might need Podiatric Surgery in Racine WI. No matter the reason, facing surgery can be a little scary for patients, especially if they have never been through foot surgery before. Knowing what to expect will set a person’s mind at ease and help prepare them for their procedure so they will be ready to follow their recovery instructions.

What Medicines Need to Be Stopped For Surgery?

There are certain medications that should not be taken before or directly after podiatric surgery in Racine WI. It is imperative a patient discusses all of their prescription and over-the-counter medications with their doctor so the doctor can review them and see if any should be avoided. The following medications should not be taken because they can cause issues with the healing process:

* Aspirin should not be taken because it can increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery.
* Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, like Ibuprofen, should be avoided because they can cause bleeding.
* Certain types of steroids should be avoided because they can slow down the healing process, especially with bone.
* Hormone replacement therapy should be avoided after surgery because they may increase the risk of blood clots.
* Some herbal supplements can increase bleeding risks so it is important these are discussed with the doctor.

What to Expect From the Healing Process

After a patient has been through Podiatric Surgery in Racine WI, they will need to be prepared for the healing process. A patient will need to be driven home by a family member or friend because they are not allowed to drive due to anesthesia and pain medications.

The length of time of the healing process will depend on the type of surgery that was carried out. It is imperative a patient carefully follows their doctor’s instructions and does not bear weight on the operated foot until they are told to do so, so healing can take place.

To get more information about podiatric surgery, visit the website. If you are experiencing foot issues and would like to schedule an appointment, call the office today. With a foot doctor, you can protect the health of your feet.

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