Unwanted hair can be the bane of your existence. Regular shaving can give you coarser hair on your legs and underarms. You could try a laser hair removal to help you get rid of the unwanted, prickly fuzz. Here’s what you need to know:
How It Works
Laser light converts heat and heat ends up damaging the hair, preventing any further growth. It’s an easy and painless alternative to shaving or waxing the hair off.
Getting a Full body treatment
Buzzfeed warns you against believing anyone who says this is possible. Your body can only take in so much cosmetic light and heat for every session. It isn’t possible to do all that in one go. So as soon as you hear this, turn around and look elsewhere.
Consistency counts
Your hair follicles don’t all grow at the same time. So unless you’ve been letting them grow all this time, when you go to a session, chances are, some hair follicles are still too short to laser off. That’s why it’s ideal to keep going to your sessions within a 4 to 6 week timeframe. After that, you’ll start seeing the dead hair follicles fall off on their own.
Give it time
You won’t be fuzz-free in an instant, a week or even two. For best results, wait for at least 3 months. That’s when you’ll really see a big difference in your skin.
Hair Color is a Factor
Dark hair is easy to treat. That’s because the laser focuses on the color of your hair. So if you’ve got gray, white, blonde or red, those can be a bit tricky to pull off and might need more than the average skill. However, it’s not entirely impossible. Just make sure you find a reliable service for Permanent Hair Removal in Grand Rapids and you’re good to go.