Pet Supplies in Folsom, California: The Pets Americans are Feeding Today

by | May 26, 2015 | Convenience Stores

Cats and dogs rank at the top of the list for pet ownership in the United States, but that does not mean there are not millions of homes sheltering a variety of other furry and feathered friends. Over three million birds, nearly two million rabbits, and over 300,000 ferrets are currently hanging out with their human buddies. This does not even begin to consider the number of fish, rodents, and other creatures that share the homes, garages, and back yards of Americans everywhere.

What this means is that there is a lot of shopping going on every day for a wide array of animals. Shopping for pet supplies in Folsom CA is fun and interesting and can include any number of needed toys and accessories. Cats and dogs need a few toys and a bed, but caged pets will often require much more. This can include bedding for refreshing cages, special food dishes and water bottles, and even certain types of treats to wear down rodent teeth or provide additional needed vitamins.

For fish, there are water conditioning drops, filters and lighting. If you are planning on filling up a decorative outdoor pond, you will need pond plants and koi. Indoor aquariums need decorative accents and plants, and every tank needs cleaning tools and equipment.

One of the most important parts of pet care is providing nutrition, so food shopping often becomes the most expensive and time-consuming part of purchasing Pet supplies in Folsom CA. The quality of life an animal enjoys will often be in direct relation to the nutritional needs they are provided. It is important to always purchase the best quality feed possible and to look for brands and products that are kept as close to natural as is feasible. This will help the animal to digest the product better and keep them healthier longer.

Nearly $60 billion is now spent on pets in the United States annually, with the numbers increasing a billion or more every year. The largest portion of that money, $22 billion, is spent on food. This is nearly double what is spent on veterinary care, a factor that many believe to be the most expensive part of having a pet. It proves how important it is to be aware of the real costs of pet ownership and to take seriously the importance of finding affordable suppliers of healthy pet food.

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