Planning for a New Bathroom to Be Built by a Home Addition Contractor in Kansas City MO

by | Dec 31, 2018 | Contractors

Remodeling a bathroom can be the answer to some problems, but what if there simply isn’t enough room for the kind of full bath the homeowners want? A home addition contractor in Kansas City MO can build square footage onto the house to make an additional bathroom that is big enough for all the desired features.

Bathroom Placement

Often, the home addition contractor in Kansas City MO is limited to where this new square footage can be placed because of the placement of the house on the lot. The household residents must consider how the placement of the new bathroom will change their routine. For example, it may be impossible to locate a new master bathroom directly next to the master bedroom or to have a connecting door. Will this be a significant problem or just a minor inconvenience?

Features and Floor Plan

Once the considerations about convenience are addressed, the customers can get on with making a list of features they want and the desired floor plan. That includes flooring, wall paint or wallpaper colors, storage cabinets and all the plumbing features. The homeowners have the chance to choose a specific sink and vanity, countertops, a shower design and a separate bathtub if they prefer.

Scheduling the Project

Scheduling the work with a contractor such as Syler Construction before October makes it more likely that the project can be completed by the holiday season if that is a priority for the property owners. The household residents may want the extra bathroom to accommodate overnight guests, having realized that the current number of bathrooms isn’t ideal for both guests and residents. It may be the second full bath while the existing master bath maintains its current status.

A project like this might take several weeks to complete, depending on the size and all the materials to be installed. The general contractor may have subcontractors, such as plumbers and electricians, do their part of the work at scheduled times. It’s best to get the project on the calendar well before the customers truly need it to be completed. Browse our website to get started.

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