Often, after a person calls a plumber in Weatherford TX for emergency service, it turns out the problem that occurred could easily have been prevented. Plumbers are accustomed to fixing issues that happened because the people in the home didn’t realize they could cause so much trouble with seemingly harmless actions.
A Plumbing Pipe Is Not a Clothesline
A broken plumbing pipe in the basement spills water until the homeowner stops it with the main water shut-off valve and calls a Plumber in Weatherford TX for emergency assistance. What happened? As usual, the home’s residents treated the pipe as a suitable place to hang laundry taken from the washing machine. This time, somebody hung something up that simply was too wet and heavy. The pipe sagged under the weight and eventually cracked.
Preventing Frozen Pipes
Although winter temperatures in the Weatherford area are relatively mild, they do sometimes dip below freezing and stay there for several days. Plumbing pipes in crawlspaces can freeze if homeowners don’t use preventive measures.
A Holiday Takes Its Toll
The holiday dinner is over and everyone is satiated. The relatives and friends who volunteered to clean up afterward are busy in the kitchen. The person holding the big pan in which the turkey was baked is confused about what to do with this container, as it’s filled with oily juice and tiny particles of leftover meat. Obviously, dumping it down the sink drain is the answer. Isn’t it?
The day after Thanksgiving actually is the busiest day of the year for plumbers, according to an article published by Reuters in 2014. One reason is the amount of cooking grease people pour down drains and even flush down toilets when they can’t think of another easy way to dispose of it.
They also overload garbage disposals, putting all sorts of food into the equipment that shouldn’t be there, and not running enough water when operating the disposal. Plumbers from an organization such as Ace Repair Plumbing become necessary to deal with the stubborn clogs that result. They may even have to repair the disposal. More information on this company can be seen at website domain.