Protect Your Home and Family With Mold Remediation in Bowie

by | Apr 7, 2015 | Restoration

One of the most common household problems in kitchens and baths is the buildup of mold. Mold and mildew will usually occur wherever there are excess moisture and a little warmth. For instance, mold can quickly build up around a shower stall or tub. This doesn’t mean that the mold is toxic, but any mold can be dangerous if mishandled. Mold Remediation in Bowie is a two-step process. First, you must determine the source of the moisture and then decide how to eliminate it. Once the moisture problem is removed, you can address the mold itself.

Small amounts of mold can be dealt with fairly easily. For example, mold buildup on shower stalls can usually be cleared away with a strong solution of bleach and water. However, when mold gets into the drywall, carpeting or wood, it can be a lot harder to eliminate. Really severe mold issues may require demolition of the damaged areas and removal of any contaminated debris. This type of mold remediation usually requires that the technician apply special systems for filtering the air. The use of HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are required to eliminate the tiny mold spores floating in the air. This is done to protect the workers as well as eliminate any hazardous spores.

There is some misinformation floating around about mold and the various types of toxins they produce. One of these is the color of dangerous molds. There are literally hundreds of thousands of mold variations, but not all of them produce dangerous toxins. The most common misconception about dangerous mold is that black mold is the most hazardous. While it is true that black mold can create health hazards, there are many other dangerous mold types around.

Black mold is the most common because it tends to spread the quickest in household environments. Surprisingly, you can find mold growth in dark spaces. In fact, you may actually smell the mold or mildew before you see it. In these instances, you will need an expert in Mold Remediation in Bowie to eliminate the problem. To learn more, check out ServiceMaster by America’s Restoration Services.

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