Protect Your Home From Dangerous Gas Leaks With Certified Gas Piping and Gas Repair Services in Huntsville AL

by | May 29, 2020 | Plumbers and Plumbing

Most people think of water lines and sewage systems when the hear the word plumber, but plumbing goes a lot further than that. Plumbing also includes running gas lines, connecting appliances and repairing a variety of different water and gas problems. Gas lines often have stricter codes than water lines because the contents they carry are so dangerous. For example, placement of the meter and location of the main connection in relation to the home are usually important. Plumbers must also use specific pipes to carry the gas both to and through the home.

In older homes a gas line can run to numerous places including a water heater, kitchen stove and fittings in each room to supply gas heaters. In more modern homes these lines are often more limited running only to the kitchen, water heater and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioner) system. Because of regulations, leaks in these pipes are rare, but Gas Piping and Gas Repair Services Huntsville AL can still be required. For example, in the case of a furnace replacement or a new kitchen stove the installer may notice that your pipe is old and corroded. Many older homes were plumbed with galvanized pipe that can deteriorate over the years.

When installing appliances such as water heaters, dryers or stoves it is often best to have a certified plumber make the connection to ensure there will be no gas leaks. You may also find yourself concerned with leaks in the lines. With normal gas supplies the fuel is scented to give it a distinctive odor. However, even small amounts of gas can leak from a pipe without people noticing. If the leak is outside or in a place where the odor can dissipate people might miss that characteristic smell. Plumbers that provide Gas Piping and Gas Repair Services can also test your lines for leaks.

Keeping your home in the best condition requires a lot of time and the services of a variety of repair people. Having access to a good plumber like those employed by Dean Plumbing Co Inc is one of the best ways to keep your water from damaging your home and your gas supply under control.

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