Do you sometimes see the competition in your rear-view mirror? Maybe they are just ahead of you on the road to success. It may be a good time to think about upgrading some of your present parts or products or perhaps bring some new ideas into your marketplace. Modern research and development lean heavily on services like prototype machining, and here are some important reasons why.
Why Create Prototypes?
You might think there is no need for prototypes. After all, thanks to advances in technology like CAD or computer aided design, you can create three-dimensional, lifelike images. CAD lets you see what your finished product looks like and you can make a wide variety of changes. However, CAD has its limitation, and this is where prototype machining enters the picture.
See and Feel the Future in Your Hands
It is one thing to view 3-D images in living color, but when you have a prototype in your hands, it is like entering a time machine and viewing the future firsthand. You cannot test drawings to see if the part or product can hold up to extreme conditions or specific demands of the customer. However, you can put your prototypes through a gauntlet of tests, to make sure it can deliver what the customer wants and expects.
Bringing new ideas to the market can be very expensive. You may need teams of people working on research and development. Yet, when you use an experienced and trusted prototype machining service, you can cut your R&D costs significantly.
Help with Design and Engineering
A machine shop producing prototypes can help you with the engineering aspect of your research and development projects. By outsourcing these services, you pay only for the work they produce, and you are not burdened with the high costs of keeping highly trained professionals on your payroll.