Questions To Ask Your Prospective Child Custody Attorney In Chattanooga, TN

by | Jan 16, 2020 | Lawyers & Law Firms

If you’ve never hired a child custody lawyer before, the process may seem quite intimidating and foreign. You want the best for your child as well as a win for you. In most cases, you want a neutral party who will handle communication with your ex-spouse as you find ways to co-parent. Finding a good child custody attorney is key to securing your peace of mind. Ask the following questions before hiring them.

How long have you practiced family law?

Your ideal child custody attorney in Chattanooga, TN, must have immense experience in handling child custody cases. It’s vital for them to prove their success rates in managing child custody cases. You want to peg all your hopes in a professional who knows what they are doing.

How many cases do you have at the moment?

Child custody cases are quite complicated. A mistake may cost your time and relationship with your child. Your child custody attorney in Chattanooga, TN, needs to assure you that they will have time to pay attention to your case and increase your chances of success.

How much do I expect you to charge me for lawyer fees?

This is a major concern for most parents. While you want maximum and quality legal representation and guidance, you may have a limited budget with all the changes in your life during a divorce. Pick a lawyer you can afford to avoid changing courses.

If you are looking for an ideal child custody lawyer for your needs, we here at will be happy to serve you. Call us now to book an appointment with a qualified attorney today.

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