Traditional braces are one of the most common devices that are used for straightening teeth. Most teens and pre-teens get them and wear them throughout their teen years, getting them off in high school (or during the first year of college). It may be a rite of passage for those in South Loop, but adults who have misalignment issues may find that traditional braces aren’t suitable for them. If you dislike the wires and metal bands that are permanently adhered to your teeth, Invisalign may be an alternative.
Primary Difference
Traditional braces use metal brackets and must be worn continuously for one to two years. You must visit your orthodontist (or dentist in some cases), once a month to have them adjusted, which can be painful. Most adults in South Loop don’t have that much time to devote to dental needs, so they put it off, sometimes indefinitely. However, Invisalign works differently. You get a series of plastic trays that are clear or nearly-clear. They fit over the teeth, similar to a mouth guard. However, the plastic is hard and doesn’t have any give, which forces your teeth to shift to the correct place.
You have no metal mouth, and you still get the precision you desire. The tray design is tailored to your needs and the treatment goals for clear and metal braces are similar.
If you are still on the fence about clear braces, you may want to consider how they are more convenient than metal versions. Of course, you still need to visit the dentist periodically to check on goals, but you can remove them to eat and while sleeping, which is much more comfortable.
Invisalign Sun Prairie WI is an excellent choice for adults (and some children) who want straight teeth without the hassles of braces. Visit South & West Loop Dental in South Loop Chicago to schedule a free consultation.