XRF stands for x-ray fluorescence and is an analytical technique that is non-destructive. It can also provide almost instant analysis of the materials. This technology can be used for portable instrumentation and is perfect for mining and other industries. Such an X-Ray tube can provide you with a variety of benefits, such as improving productivity and business operations, which is why many industries prefer it.
It’s Unique
X-ray fluorescence technology and techniques include irradiating a liquid or solid sample with higher-energy x-rays using an X-Ray tube. Therefore, it also emits fluorescent/secondary x-rays. The fluorescence emitted is unique to the sample composition, and each sample has particular elements or ‘fingerprints,’ which helps the XRF feature tell you what elements there are and how much of it there is.
In mining, this is essential because mines are usually extremely large, sometimes many miles long. Companies must be able to pinpoint where the products are that they want to mine so that they can focus their resources and time correctly.
Used Anywhere
With portable or handheld analyzers, you can take them anywhere in the field and get high-quality results in a few seconds rather than taking samples and sending them off to a lab to get results in weeks.
With the real-time and onsite analysis, you may find that you can complete your work much quicker. You can determine where you should drill, consider how to get the equipment where you need it, and much more.
Because you can take it anywhere, it also means it can perform a variety of functions, such as quarry operations, exploration, and many others.
XRF technology is changing the way that many industries work, ensuring that they are more productive. Visit Micro X-Ray Inc. at https://www.microxray.com to purchase an X-Ray tube for your company. Like us on our facebook page.